Puerto Rico is located in the northeastern Caribbean, 60 miles east of the Dominican Republic, and 40 miles west of the US Virgin Islands. The Island is 100 miles long by 35 miles wide. The interiors are mountainous and the coastal areas are flat. Puerto Rico differs from many other communities in which you may have lived. The main difference includes the culture, the Spanish language and the unparalleled weather.
While Puerto Rico is a part of the United States, its culture and social mores are charmingly Spanish. The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is a politically stable Commonwealth of the United States and Puerto Ricans are American citizens. As a matter a fact, Puerto Rico is the oldest community under the American Flag. The Island became part of the United States in 1898. In 1952 the people of Puerto Rico voted for the permanent union with the US as a freely associated State of Commonwealth.
Over the years, Puerto Rico has grown and developed into a modern community, which blends the best aspects of American drives with the warmth and cultural heritage the Spanish left behind. Today, the Puerto Rican is an American citizen but has no voting representation in the United States, therefore, pays no Federal income taxes.
International carriers offer direct service to major cities throughout the Western Hemisphere. The security of the Commonwealth status with the United States, superior air service, the large labor pool, as well as being the only Caribbean island with suitable infrastructure for industries, hotel and resort makes Puerto Rico engaging to all.
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